Blockchain solutions

We would like to work with you in order to create innovative, effective and reliable blockchain solutions catered solely to your needs. Below you will see the types of solutions that we developed in the past or that we are currently in the process of developing. If you find that a particular example addresses a concern similar to yours, please let us know and we will be happy to adapt an already created technological tool specifically for you.  And if none of the examples below represent the challenges that you are facing, still do let us know. We will be interested in developing a new technological solution for you.

Blockchain offers incredible opportunities for processing the placement and the settlement of gambling bets. No matter the number of the players, the quantity of their wagers and the amount of the money involved, a single blockchain platform is capable of handling simultaneously the totality of all bets conducted at the same time in the world.
Billing and Smart Contracts 
Smart contacts give us an ideal technological tool for preventing the human factor from interfering in a commercial transaction. The simplest solution in this case would be if both parties accepted the use of a cryptocurrency in the form of tokens for measuring the commercial value of the conducted transaction and the resulting bill would automatically reflect this agreement. Nevertheless, smart contracts are also capable of handling with the same elegance the transactions in fiat currencies, providing securely for the transaction in progress the required account password or the safety deposit box security code.
Voting and Decision-Making
Blockchain technologies can address practically any pressing issue for an event that involves decision-making through voting. The technical aspect in this case has to do with producing a number of tokens (where each token represents a single vote) to be distributed among the participants of the event and also with creating a smart contract, designed specifically for this event. For more information, please click here.
Customer Loyalty Programs
Blockchain technology is ideally suited for launching customer loyalty programs with their discount cards, bonus points and many other features. One of the experimental solutions that we developed provides a perfect tool for implementing a customer loyalty program in any internet retail company. In the beginning the tokens are issued to reward customers for their initial purchases. After that the issued tokens are assigned to the consecutive orders of the  returning customers to provide automatically a loyalty bonus or a discount. The reward scheme calibrates the value of the customers' tokens according to their spending and, in addition, clients can download their online customer wallets, set up for every online account, in the form of a mobile application for personal use. If we allow customers to use the accumulated value of their tokens to cover the full amount of their purchases, and if we maintain the value of these tokens consistently below the value of the fiat prices, we will create a demand for tokens as a means of saving money.
Limited Resource Distribution
All kinds of tickets and similar items that give access to a limited resource - be it a theater seat, or a plane ticket or a football seat or, perhaps, an apartment in a building under construction or a plot of land in a new real state development - fall into this category. The emission of tokens, the digital equivalents of any valuable commodity, allows you to avoid double sales, secures your control over your earnings and provides you with a complete range of tools for transferring your assets into a secondary market. For more informations, please click here. 
ICOs: Their Preparation and Launch
The explosion of interest in ICOs as an increasingly popular way to raise money for the development of a business idea can be easily explained. We finally have an opportunity to engage the world investment community directly with this formalized tool. The first successfully launched ICOs generated an unbelievable amount of interest from the investors. It was as if all they did before was sit and wait for this opportunity to arise! ICOs raise money for financing startups, for developing further the already existing projects and also for expanding production as well as various retail chains. Although the preparation and the launch of an ICO costs money, the initial investment brings a handsome pay-off. Businesses from all economic sectors now can utilize this new great tool for their successful expansion and growth.  For more information, please click here.
Asset Tokenization and Logistics
It may seem that the two notions - logistics and assets - belong to two quite different realms. But if we attempt to get to the heart of both ideas, we will discover a common boundary around which they intersect. Exploring the intersecting area with blockchain technologies will produce a completely new set of opportunities for minimizing expenses and for avoiding excessive costs in various economic sectors, including both small businesses and global economic entities. Assets are economic resources that generate profits or benefits. Logistics is the organization and implementation of the flow of information, material goods and human labor which in themselves are all valuable resources, i.e. assets.  The utilization and management of tokens, these digital identifiers, obtained as the result of the asset and resource tokenization, has an enormous potential - akin to the economic effects of the industrial revolution in the 19th century. 
Tokens for Game Applications
The principal role of a game currency is to transfer external monetary value into a specific game medium.  As soon as the game acquires its use value, tokens begin to work in favor of the proprietor of the game the same way fiat currencies serve to enrich the powers that be. Introducing your own currency into a game application is an inexpensive way to uncover the incredible potential of bringing money into the game from the outside world. For more information, please click here.
Fundraising Campaigns and Management of Charitable Giving
Money is a powerful economic tool that can serve as leverage for affecting change in the world. Various charitable organizations utilize money to fight against pollution, hunger, illness and to promote education, environmental awareness and many other causes to the world. Blockchain technologies can be advantageously used for charitable giving.
Cryptocurrencies and Crypto Projects: tools for investment and business development
Many entrepreneurs shy away from actively utilizing cryptocurrencies as a tool for their business operations because of the uncertainties surrounding their status in the world. Perhaps, erring on the side of caution is an appropriate attitude in this case. However, the advantages of using crypto technologies are so obvious and attractive, that, once acquainted with them, an entrepreneur can no longer put them out of his mind. Instead, he begins to ponder the advantages of using smart contracts for his business needs. 